The role of gas chromatograph chromatographic signal collector
This is an article about The role of gas chromatograph chromatographic signal collector. If you are interested, please contact us!
The chromatographic signal collector has the same reproducibility and linearity as the gas chromatograph (10ml crimp gas Chromatography vials)itself.
In general, these indicators are only superior to the indicators of the gas chromatograph itself, so as not to adversely affect the performance of the entire system. If the performance of the workstation's matching collector is lower than that of the gas chromatograph itself, when the workstation with high sensitivity and high precision is equipped with such a workstation, the overall performance landslide will inevitably occur.(10ml crimp gas Chromatography vials)
This is the end of the introduction of The role of gas chromatograph chromatographic signal collector I hope it can help you.