Gas chromatograph pulse discharge high purity argon detector
This is an article about Gas chromatograph pulse discharge high purity argon detector. If you are interested, please contact us!
Since the 1990s, in order to adapt to the production of high-purity gas,10ml headspace vials a new type of ADD detector specially designed for the analysis of traces in high-purity argon has been designed. Gas chromatographs equipped with headspace vialsthe new ADD detector have been commercialized. The old gas chromatograph equipped with an ADD detector is also equipped with a hydrogen flame ionization detector and a humidity analyzer. Although the number of components is increased, the combination of multiple detectors is likely to cause pollution for high purity gas detection. The possibility of mutual influence, on the contrary, has reduced the sensitivity of argon analysis, which adversely affects the detection of major journal components. It has been proved that for the determination of trace gas components below 5*10-6, 10ml headspace vials it is better to use a gas chromatograph with only a single function.
This is the end of the introduction of Gas chromatograph pulse discharge high purity argon detector. I hope it can help you.