11mm aluminum crimp top seals have a larger opening to ensure proper needle penetration 2ml, 12X32mm vials are manufactured of Clear, Type 1
Class A or Amber, Type 1 Class B borosilicate glass and include a write-in patch for sample identification
Caps are made of high quality laquered aluminum, 0.010" thick Available cap colors include silver, red, and green
Our septa use only the highest quality materials to ensure proper function and can be pre-slit to ease needle penetration
0.030" White Silicone sandwiched between two layers of 0.005" Red PTFE
Designed for the most demanding GC procedures such as trace analysis, or longer cycle times between injections

2ml wide opening crimp top vials
High quality silicone compounds are used to ensure proper re-sealing and reduced chances of coring
Works well with blunt tip needles