Gas Chromatography inlet type and flow rate
This is an article about Gas Chromatography inlet type and flow rate. If you are interested, please contact us!
The inlet type and injection technique are typically related to the form in which the sample is present (liquid, gaseous, adsorbed, solid) and the presence or absence of a solvent that requires gasification 2ml GC vials.

2ml GC vials
If the sample is well dispersed and known in nature, it can be injected directly through the cold on-column inlet; if some solvent needs to be removed by evaporation, use a split/splitless inlet (usually with a syringe); gas sample (eg from a cylinder) is usually injected with a gas valve injector. The adsorbed sample (eg on a sorbent tube) can be desorbed by an external (online or off-line) desorption unit (eg capture-purge system) or in a split/splitless sampler (using solid phase microextraction) .2ml GC vials
This is the end of the introduction of Gas Chromatography inlet type and flow rate. I hope it can help you.