EPA Test Methods 5030 and 5035 are focused on determining the amount volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in either a solid or aqueous sample.
Examples of these compounds include chlorinated solvents and fuel additives. With both methods, a sample is typically housed in a 40ml EPA VOA vial with an open top cap and septa. The septa used in these EPA vials are typically made of a silicone/PTFE construct, 0.125” thick.
The PTFE acts as the main barrier to minimize contamination during sample handling.
Because of the nature of the method and level of sophistication of equipment, EPA laboratories can measure VOCs to extremely low levels with some measuring ‹ 1 ppb. As a result, it is imperative that the EPA septa not contain any form of contamination.
Through special conditioning and use of cleaner materials, we have been able to consistently deliver clean EPA septa for use in EPA VOA vials. Each production run of EPA septa is tested to ensure compliance to EPA Method 5035 and the test report can be supplied upon request.